Sustainability Policy
Here at Orloff, we strive for both our business partners and our own company to contribute to a better planet for all.
We continuously develop strategies and policies for our collaboration with suppliers, customers, and our own production to ensure a sustainable development for the environment, the climate, and for humanity.
Our goal is to make our positive, sustainable efforts reach our customers and help them in their journey towards greater sustainability. While we may be a small piece in the larger puzzle, we do our best to contribute to the global development on a worldwide scale.
See the Sustainability report 2022

We do this at Orloff
- Engage all employees in achieving sustainable goals
- Involve our "preferred partners" suppliers in collaboration for increased sustainability
- Provide partners and customers with the opportunity to enhance their sustainability through collaboration
- Ensure "order in our own house" regarding sustainability and specifically the three selected Sustainable Development Goals
Orloff has developed a baseline (2021) and continuously defines clear measurement points for our sustainable efforts.
From there, we develop a system to measure and record the results of our efforts, ensuring continuous progress towards the selected goals. It is important for us to contribute to the overall change in the world.
Did you know that...
At Orloff, we ensure that your used clothing is recycled. We collect the clothing, remove logos and similar elements, and send it for either resale or recycling, so the clothing can be transformed into new products.
read more about the process here.

UN sustainable development goals
Through the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we aim to further develop our work on sustainability and strengthen the company's profile and innovation while promoting a more sustainable world. Orloff focuses particularly on the following 3 SDGs:
- Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation for All
- Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
- Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
We involve our employees and collaborate with suppliers, customers, and authorities in working towards these three sustainable development goals. Our own operations and production continuously strive to become more circular and sustainable, and we contribute by raising awareness about sustainability to our stakeholders.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals | Inspiration til handling | Verdensmålene.dk (verdensmaalene.dk)